How to Use the Stylize Parameter in Midjourney (Quick Guide)

The stylize parameter in Midjourney is one of the most useful tools you have when you're creating images. Let's learn more about it.

The stylize parameter is a very popular option in Midjourney. If you use it in the right prompt, you'll see some amazing results generated.

Most new Midjourney users don't know that there is a default stylization value attached to every prompt you write. While users have the option to choose any stylization value between 0 and 1000, the default value is 100.

In this article, I'll explain exactly how the stylize parameter affects the generated output. I will also share some prompt examples in which I use different stylization values.

how to use stylize parameter midjourney

What Is the Stylize Parameter in Midjourney?

Before I give you a direct answer to the question above, I first have to explain exactly why Midjourney is capable of producing such great results.

The text-to-image AI model that the Midjourney team developed has been trained using millions of images. The research team scraped an insane number of images off the internet and applied a specific type of training.

The reason why the AI model can create beautiful art is because it was trained to identify and apply artistic color, forms, and composition. This ability was then packaged into the stylize parameter.

There is a default stylization value set because the model was trained to favor fundamental elements in visual art. Whenever you lower the value, it will result in the model producing less artistic images. However, they will be more connected to your prompt.

On the other hand, increasing the stylization value makes the images more artistic but that comes at the cost of the results not being as connected to the prompt.

How to Use the Stylization Parameter in Midjourney?

It's easy to start using the stylize parameter in Midjourney. All you have to do is type either --stylize or --s along with a numerical value between 0 and 1000, and attach that command to the end of your prompt.

If this sounds confusing, I'll show you an example. Let's say that I want to create an image of a high fantasy landscape. Here's the prompt I wrote:

/imagine high fantasy landscape that shows an eternal ice realm with gorgeous ice structures --ar 16:9

stylize parameter midjourney ice landscape

I didn't mention the stylize parameter in the prompt above, which means that it's set to a default value. I'll now show you what happens if I decrease the value, as well as what you can expect when you increase the value. I'll start by setting the value to 0.

/imagine high fantasy landscape that shows an eternal ice realm with gorgeous ice structures --ar 16:9 --stylize 0

stylize parameter midjourney ice landscape 0 value

This is much different than the first image. There obviously needs to be a lot of stylization involved in creating a fantasy world. If you set the value to 0, it doesn't look like a high fantasy landscape anymore.

Let's see what happens if I significantly increase the stylization value.

/imagine high fantasy landscape that shows an eternal ice realm with gorgeous ice structures --ar 16:9 --s 750

stylize parameter midjourney ice landscape 750 value

Now, this is a completely different story. This is what a high fantasy world should look like. Pay attention to the details in this image. There are a lot more intricate details compared to the previous two images.

The Stylize Parameter in Midjourney + Prompt Examples

In the previous section of the article, I showed you some prompt examples with the goal of demonstrating the extremes of the stylize parameter. But in most cases, you'll want to use this option in moderation.

Sometimes, you get a big change even if you double the default stylization value. It's hard to say exactly what values you should be using because every prompt is different, but it's worth testing several values before you find the right one for a particular image.

With that being said, I now want to show you some of my prompt examples that include the stylize parameter.

/imagine unexplainable phenomenon in deep space, abstract, wondrous, strange, mysterious --ar 16:9 --s 500

stylize parameter midjourney deep space example

This is definitely the type of prompt where you can benefit from using the stylize parameter. Even though you can set a higher stylization value when you're creating photorealistic images and get good results, I find that the parameter works best when you're creating something that we can't capture with cameras.

The prompt here may seem incredibly simple but it was written in a way to encourage as much randomization as possible. I specifically didn't want to mention any explosions, collisions, bursts of energy, etc. Instead, I let the model randomize the output completely.

/imagine a hero is summoned to a world where evil has reigned for thousands of years, the only hope this realm has is that the selfless, nameless hero will save them --ar 16:9 --s 250 --niji 5

stylize parameter midjourney niji hero

If you're not familiar with the Niji model, it's used to create anime-style images in Midjourney. I absolutely love using this model, especially in combination with the stylize parameter because it gives extraordinary results.

In case you'd like to know more about the Niji model, I suggest that you read my article on Midjourney prompts for anime. The stylization value here isn't particularly high, but it's just enough to enhance the image.

/imagine an ancient warrior is hiking along a forgotten path to complete the biggest quest of his life --ar 16:9 --stylize 400 --niji 5

stylize parameter midjourney ancient warrior

This image has such a cinematic feel to it. I can almost imagine this being a scene in an animated movie or TV show.

/imagine forgotten village in the middle of rural Texas, old houses, fields that stretch as far as the eyes can see --ar 16:9 --stylize 350

midjourney stylize parameter rural texas

As I previously mentioned in the article, you can use the stylize parameter in Midjourney even when you're making photorealistic images. This is a great example of what I said earlier - as you increase the stylization value, the generated result may not be as connected to the prompt as it would be if the default value was set.

Nevertheless, this image is definitely more interesting than what you'd get if you didn't use the stylize parameter. Using the parameter made the image appear more artistic.

/imagine state-of-the-art telescope, futuristic design, intricate details, full HD --ar 16:9 --s 750

midjourney stylize parameter futuristic telescope

In the end, it usually makes sense to use the stylize parameter when you want a huge boost of creativity infused into the generated images. When the stylization value is this high, you’ll never really know what to expect. But it will without a doubt be a fascinating image.

Final Thoughts

The stylize parameter in Midjourney is one of the most useful tools you have when you're creating images. It's fun to observe how the generated results change as you alter the stylization value in a prompt.

Although it can be of great help, it's important to know that using a high stylization value won't make all of your images look better. It makes sense to use this parameter only in some cases.

It's difficult to express exactly when and how you should use this parameter. It's up to each individual user to experiment with stylization to produce great results.

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